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UNICDA Academic Vice Chancellor, Dr. Laura Reyes, participates in the conference “Strategies to achieve accreditation in health programs”

Last May 26, on behalf of Universidad Domínico Americano (UNICDA), our Academic Vice Chancellor, Dr. Laura Reyes, attended as a guest speaker at the conference “Strategies to Achieve Accreditation in Health Programs”, in which she had the opportunity to address the topic “Strategies for the Accreditation of Programs”.
This event was organized by Dr. Ángel Nadal, Director of Dentistry School at Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), and also included presentations by Dr. Alice Romero, Academic Coordinator of the Health Sciences Area of Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), and Dr. Rocío Caridad, Director of the School of Medicine of the Faculty of Health Sciences at UASD.