Admission Tests

Academic Guidance and Measurement Test (POMA)

What is the Academic Guidance and Measurement Test?

The Academic Guidance and Measurement Test, better known by its acronym POMA, is an academic aptitude test designed to evaluate your academic intelligence, understood as the ability to apply your mental processes to a set of academic content.

It is mandatory for all those who wish to enter higher education. This test evaluates the following content:

  1. CV: Verbal concepts or words
  2. CM: Mathematical or numerical concepts
  3. CE: Perceptual structures or figures
  4. CN: Natural Science concepts
  5. CS: Social Science concepts
  6. CC: Evaluation of Human Behavior

Admission Test for Education Careers (PACE)

They will be composed of the following instruments:

  1. University Reading Skills Test
  2. Mathematical Knowledge for Initial Teacher Training
  3. Diagnostic Evaluation Questionnaire