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Virtual Classroom

Virtual classroom access information

Instructions for students

User: registration number (according to student card, format 2019-30-1-0005, include the dashes).

Password: 1234567 for those who have not yet accessed the platform. The system will ask you to change it.

Instructions for teachers

User: Initials and employee code (e.g. CPXXXX)

Password: 1234567 for those who have not yet accessed the platform. The system will ask you to change it.

We will be answering any questions or access difficulties as soon as possible at 

We also put at your disposal the e-mails of UNICDA’s coordinators:

Bachelor’s Degree in English Oriented to TeachingLigia Henrí
Systems Engineering - Software EngineeringCarlos Núñ
General StudiesAlejandra
Master's Degree and Specialties in BusinessFrancisco
Master's Degree in EnglishDr. Alexandra Garcí