Santo Domingo – The Universidad Domínico Americano (UNICDA) celebrated its XIX Ordinary Graduation at the Casa San Pablo Auditorium, in a ceremony attended by graduates, family members, professors and directors of the university. Ramón Sosa, Chancellor of Universidad Domínico Americano, who was in charge of the event’s welcoming remarks, said: “Recognize and assume that, if you feel that the road is difficult, it is probably because you are going in the right direction, because there is no greater talent than having the ability to take the risk to achieve goals that seem impossible. Barriers will rise, doors will close, but it is at that moment that the successful person adapts, insists, gets up and starts again”. Mr. Ramón Sosa was accompanied at the table of honor by Mr. Darío Lama, President of the Board of Directors of ICDA and Dr. Laura Reyes, Academic Vice Chancellor of UNICDA. Alejandra Brunet, Mr. Carlos Núñez, Mr. Ligia Henríquez, Dr. Alexandra García and Mr. Francisco Felipe were also part of the ceremony. José Armando Tavárez, President of the Dominican Chamber of Information and Communication Technologies (TIC Chamber), former President of the Dominican Association of University Rectors (ADRU) and former Chancellor of the Technological Institute of the Americas (ITLA), was in charge of the main speech of the graduation ceremony. In this ceremony, the professionals of the first cohort of Software Engineers and the first group of graduates of the Bachelor’s Degree in English oriented to Teaching who entered under the conditions of the regulation 09-15 for the formation of teachers of excellence received their degrees. The university also delivered to the country new professionals in other careers and programs, who received their degrees of Bachelor in Business Administration, Bachelor in Tourism and Hotel Management, Systems Engineering, Higher Technician in Education Mention Initial, Bachelor in Education Mention English, Specialty in Education Mention English, Specialty in Information Systems Management, Master in Business Administration and the Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Patricia Terrero Montesino, honor student of the Bachelor’s Degree in English oriented to Teaching, was in charge of the words of gratitude of the graduates of the class of 2022. The institution’s Mixed Choir performed the anthems of the Dominican Republic and the United States during the opening ceremony and closed the ceremony with a repertoire of songs in English and Spanish. The Universidad Domínico Americano continues to reinforce its mission to impart and promote teaching in English and Spanish in the different disciplines in order to respond effectively to the educational demand of the country, training competent professionals in their fields.